My camera battery was nearly ready for a charge, but I got a few pics of Owen and went up in the prairie behind the school for a bit. It was quite overcast at that point.

Right now, I think the whole family is just counting down until school starts on Monday, although the kids would never admit it. At least the older kid wouldn't. My kids really need the kind of structure that school provides, even though they seem to bristle against it. I'm looking forward to stringing together more than two thoughts in a sequence.
post script: I will make a pattern for the Fair Isle tam I'm wearing in the last post. You're on your own for yarn choices, though. It's been about 15 years since I made that hat!
We've been having very warm/mild temperatures up here too. Today we had some rain and it was about +12C or +13C (sorry, not sure what that converts too). I'm sure before winter is over, that we will get colder temps and snow...
Welcome to Florida;)
Apparently that's the "typical" winter weather down here. As much as it bugged me up north (because it feels warm up there!) I'm loving 50 degrees, drizzle, and wind!
How much time do your kids get off for xmas break? Three weeks?
Bezzie, they only get 2 weeks off: it just feels like 3 weeks. Or 4.
Yeah, we keep telling ourselves this feels like Christmas back in California. I'd be enjoying it if it didn't make me feel so uneasy.
BTW, this is a little late, but the Setesdal sweater is wonderful. (speaking as a girl whose first encounter with a wheat flour tortilla left her thinking it was almost as good as lefse.)
Funny because we're having very cold, snowy weather here in the Southwest!
Still a good few inches of snow at our house, and it hasn't gotten out of the 30's in weeks....
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