The Rowan Tapestry is nice. It is a 70% wool/30% soy protein single, DK weight, with long gradual color shifts. It's considerably more consistent than Noro yarns and the color combinations are more conventional. I encountered no bits of plant matter. I had one reknotted break in the two balls I used. Often Noro users find multiple breaks within a single ball. There were a few thicker areas, but no very thin ones and the twist was consistent overall.
On the whole, I'd recommend it as a nice yarn for accessories that don't have to take hard wear. I don't know, but I suspect it might be prone to pilling. It would probably work very well for any of the entrelac scarves, like Lady Eleanor, that people often do in Noro.
Very nice! It's a shame it doesn't look cold enough for a scarf with all that sun and green grass!
Nice job! Glad you found a yarn compatible so you could finish! I agree, I love knitting scarves this way! :)
Looks like you're having some springlike weather in Madison!
I'm late commenting on your wonderful sweater. I'm so glad you finished it! It's amazing!
I love, love, love that hat. Is there any pattern? Is it a beret? Is that 3 yarns? A cream, a gray, and the Tapestry? Oh, do please tell!
Kathy, the hat has four colors: grey, cream, rust, and yellow. The basic formula is to cast on for the brim, work corrugated ribbing. I think my grey was Galway and the other three yarns were somewhat thicker and fuzzier yarns. My corrugated ribbing sequence was 2 rounds with rust, 1 with yellow, 3 of cream, 1 yellow, 2 rust.
For the crown, increase 10% around in solid grey round. Work even for about 22 rounds of color work. Work centered double decreases to the middle, every other round.Block over a dinner plate. I made it up as I went along from the basic instructions in Alice Starmore's Fair Isle Knitting.
I'll try to write out more specific instructions later.
Nice scarf, nice hat! Congrats!
Sometimes the most simple things turn out the most pleasing.
Excellent Plan B! And the hat is gorg!
Now THAT was fast! Looks great! I HAVE to move north.
Stephanie, I believe Zib is fine, although the internet service in Catania has been a mess for about 3 months. Every now and then, it looks like all will return to normal, then she's gone again. We hope for regular contact again real soon!
Oh, that is really pretty. I have been wanting to try Tapestry, and I really like how you used it.
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