Here's the progress photo of the Shetland-inspired Faroese cardigan. It's about 10 inches along. When I get to 14 inches, only 24 more rounds, I'll park the body and start the sleeves. This is the easiest colorwork pattern around! It's completely compatible with family life, meaning I don't have to retreat to my lair to work on it. I think I might do another one in lighter weight yarn when this is done.
Jim's Never-ending Sweater

This is a picture of the holey sleeve that frustrated me a few days ago. I used the purple draw cord to encircle the two offending holes. Truth be told, they are barely noticable from the front of the fabric, so I probably could have just caught the loops in with spare yarn and darned in the ends, but I didn't realize that until it was off the machine.
The good news is (and I am definitely knocking on wood!) that I'm am making great strides on the most recent attempt to do this sleeve. I worked about an hour and a half (yes, a sleeve in a couple of hours) and got all the way up to beginning of the raglan shaping when I took a break to write this post and have a little lunch. So far, so good. A few close calls with dropping edge stitches after increases, but I learned to be vigilant and catch them before they become problems. Now, however, I thinking I might need to redo the other sleeve, which I had called "done" because it really wasn't as well-done as the new one is turning out. See? Never ending! I guess I can say it's been a great learning experience. I hope he likes the sweater when it's done.
Edited to add:
Jim's sweater is made from Barlett Yarns Fisherman's Sport Weight yarn. He wanted one with some natural lanolin in it. Jim likes to sail and also builds boats as a hobby. When he gets his next big boat built he's going to sail around the Great Lakes for a while and he wants a sweater to wear then. But mostly he wants it done before his next trip to Alaska in the spring. You can see Jim modeling the Professor Vest at TGB.