Another recycled picture. I took this one over the summer at Olbrich Gardens here in Madison.
I might have to skip over X if I'm going to make it through to the end by New Year's Eve.
I've got a good Y pic in my archives, plus some other Y ideas I could put to use.
Z will probably be a bit of a challenge, but not impossible.
Man, I stalled out at Q!
Love the waterlilies. Reminds me of when we left Lansing--we had to stop and check out the frog pond behind hubby's building before we left.
An idea for "X".....I play in the Madison Marimba Quartet, and the instrument which I play in the quartet is actually called a "xylorimba", or a "xylo-marimba". Anyway, we're giving a free concert on campus on December 30th at 1:00pm, and you could take a picture of the xylorimba after the concert or during intermission... Just sayin'...or, I could take a photo of it next Wednesday at our rehearsal and e-mail it to you.....
Gorgeous waterlilies!
For X, you could always do Xanthippe, like I did (though I suspect you'd use a different picture than I did. ;-> ).
Laura, I might make it to campus for that. No, crud, have to go to a wedding near Chicago that day. I had thought about the kid's xylophone, but I think I may have off-loaded that onto someone else.
Erica, funny, I never did hate Hilary as much as everyone else I know, both left and right.
Thanks for the photos of the waterlilies and the violets - I'm missing summer and all the greenery right now.
I loved all your waterlily and other nature posts from around then. I had one of your pics of groundcover near a lake as my wallpaper for quite a while. Think I'll use the waterlilies. Thanx.
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