We took these pics earlier today, before the sweater had its first wash. I hope it will settle in around the zipper area a little better. It's on the drying rack right now.

Pattern: one I worked out from pictures and charts in Nordic Knitting
Yarn: Asa Gjestal Spinneri Superwash Sport, 100 m = 50 gms. purchased from Elann.com in 2004.
Started: Autumn 2004.
Completed: After 2 year dormant period, Dec 24, 2006
Worked on US #6 and #4 needles at 6 st and 7 rows per inch.
I had always wanted to make a somewhat traditional Norwegian sweater, but I'm not partial to snowflake motifs. Also, as a confirmed cheapskate, and even though I know that the Dale yarns are supremely durable, I never wanted to shell out the $$ for a sweater in my size. I hope I won't regret using this bargain yarn. So far, I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. This was the first time in my life I ever put a zipper into my knitting. My original plan had been a buttoned placket, but I figured I should face my fear of zippers in knits. I sewed it in by hand, with backstitch and black sewing thread.
Hot damn that's a gorgeous sweater! It looks FABULOUS on you! Yes - you absolutely get to be an honorary Norwegian - let's see, we shall call you Sigrid (you could be Snaelaug or Gunnhild!)
Wow ! That's a beauty. Really stunning. It looks so good on you. The colour, the fit, everything.
Hear it with pleasure and pride.
Oh, wow. That is such a gorgeous piece of knitting, I'm glad you finished it. It looks amazing on you.
That is gorgeous!! Fits you well! Excellent job and I hope you wear it for a long time! Good for you putting in the zipper too! I hate zippers...even in sewing! I also hate to shell out $$ for sweaters for our size too! :)
Wow, Elizabeth! That looks really nice! Also, congrats on confronting the zipper challenge head on! It's a great sweater!
Wow! That looks amazing! The lines are just right for you, and the knitting is gorgeous! I'm really impressed. Does that mean I should start the size two needles one I've got the pattern and yarn for? ;-)
Absolutely gorgeous! I'm green with envy. I'm going to have to work harder if I ever want to be anywhere near as good as you. :O)
Merry Christmas hun!
WOW! Way to nail all that intricate Nordic knitting AND finishing a languishing UFO! It looks great!
Although I still think you look like an Inga and not a Helga ;-)
Gorgeous!!!! Beautiful knitting, E! WOW! Congratulations, and Merry Cmas.
Wow, that looks great! Congratulations! It really suits you, too. And you worked out the pattern yourself - impressive!
Holey Moley, you look great! What a major project, you must be so pleased with yourself! :0)
Oh Helga! How beautiful is that sweater!?
It's an absolute shame that you worked so hard and it turned out so badly. It looks like crud on you. It doesn't fit and the colors, well, really, I just can't put it any nicer. You shouldn't have to look at it one more minute!! I can be there in an hour and twenty minutes to take it off your hands.
Ha Kathy! I'm afraid the sleeves will be too long for you. They are almost too long for me and I have very long arms. Nice try, though.
Impressive work!!!! Fabulous sweater!!!!
It looks terrific Elizabeth! You could sell that pattern in a heartbeat. It looks like a real Dale of Norway sweater.
I'm sorry that I've been absent from commenting, bloglines wasn't updating you for me. Then I noticed that you fell off my bloglines list! Perhaps it happened when you switched to blogger beta? I wonder when I'll get a chance to switch to beta. I really want to.
that is just an amazingly beautiful sweater. congrats on finishing!
Oh My Gosh! The sweater is gorgous!!!!!
You did a beautiful job! It is absolutely, absolutely, stunning!!! Thank you for the constant inspiration!
Wow, Eliza- I mean, Helga, that looks great!
That is absolutely stunning. It's gorgeous and I applaud you getting over your fears of sewing in a zipper. I still hate doing it and will do just about anything to avoid sewing in a zipper.
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