Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

I voted. I hope you will, too. Especially if you live in Wisconsin and you agree with me on the major referenda on our ballot this time. We have a lot of important stuff on the table right now. Get out there and vote. It matters.

In other news, here's a progress photo of the sweater I started at the Dulaan Knit-In on Saturday:

I'm going to repeat the same treatment at the bottoms of the sleeves as the bottom of the sweater body. Still need to decide whether or not to include the band on the upper arm to match the chest. And whether to do the neckband in plain yellow, one of the other colors, or stripes? Any opinions, let's hear 'em. This is all worsted weight 100% wool yarns from my stash. Very old yarns, like from the time when Red Heart made wool. I picked them up at thrift shops here and there for a song. The colors are pretty wild, but I think they work well enough and should keep a child in Mongolia a little warmer in a cold winter.

After I took the sweater picture, I went around the yard looking for things to photograph. Here's what I found: ornamental grass, milkweed, and old sunflowers.

Tomorrow I will chain myself to my computer chair and not stop working until I have substantially finished writing at least one of the patterns I have pending. I promise. I'd really rather go to my lair and cast on for something new. Who wouldn't?


Abigale said...

Beautiful photos as always!

As far as the top goes - my opinion would be to use the blue that you started the ribbing with... just makes sense - no?

And yes - casting on for something new... So much more fun than writing up patterns, or finishing off other projects.

Bezzie said...

I thought about the blue for the neck ribbing too--but it might be too much. That blue is very vibrant. But then again the yellow might not be enough. I'm a great help huh?

Hooray for dead garden pics!!! Love 'em!

leedav said...

I say nothing on the sleeves and striping around the color (a little of all the colors?). If my pictures were as lovely as yours, I'd find it hard to do much of anything else!

Helen said...

hmm, i think a stripe on the sleeve, and the collar in a diff colour? i think putting nothing on the sleeves, and colour on the collar seaparates it too much. but i think there is too much yellow..haha. am i clear? i think i mean colour on both, or on none.

Elizabeth said...

Looking at the picture more, I've come up with a plan. Leave the upper arms plain. Do the sleeve cuffs to match the bottom of the body. And for the neck, use yellow to pick up around neckline. Work half a repeat of the orange diamonds around, then do the neckline ribbing in solid orange. We'll see.

More input from others still appreciated.

Thanks all!

MiniLaura said...

I see you've already decided. I was going to vote for leaving the sleeves plain so I'm happy that you're going to do that.

I was ALSO going to suggest doing the collar in orange. I guess great minds think alike.

I love the milkweed photos. When I was a kid, I loved to collect milkweed pods just so I could have tons of puffy white things to play with whenever I wanted.

Carol said...

I love you sweater for many reasons! Really pretty...and wow you take awesome nature photos too!
You're so extremely talented and generous.x

Sarah said...

Gorgeous pics again!

Yep, the sweater is cute and funky, and will definitely keep someone warm!

I too am wanting to cast on for a million different projects right now. Must be the weather.