Tuesday, April 19, 2005

piddling little updates about not much...

My finger is doing very well. Now that I have a bandaid instead of a big roll of gauze (or would that be guaze on a message board?) I can knit. And I can type using all the fingers on my left hand, which has improved my speed and error rate. I tell you, if a doctor ever gives you the choice between stitches or the superglue, take the glue!

I'm learning a bit more about this blogging stuff. I've managed to add a few buttons. I hope to expand my array of links to other knitters over time. Don't be offended if you aren't on here: I'm probably working up to it.

After our initial burst of enthusiasm for the moving idea, we're kind of backing off of it now. We are really ambivalent on the whole issue because it isn't a cut'n'dried win/win proposition. First of all, we really like most of our neighbors where we are. That counts for a lot. We are on the end of a cul de sac, which is nice for safety, traffic, and sense of community. Our lot is huge by city standards (this is a mixed blessing) and we've done a lot of work on it over the years. Still lots more to do. We are located very conveniently to everything we need: library, dentist, doctor, vet, hardware store, Chinese take-out, school, playgrounds, all within a 15 min walking distance. Yes, walking distance! The supermarkets are a five minute drive: three within that range.

Reasons to move: the house is a little too small for us (and all that yarn!), the dominant lawn-chemical ethos of the neighborhood is disturbing and makes it hard to do things for 9 mos out of the year. Yes, from March until November, every month, people are spreading and spraying those poisons not only on their own lawns, but on the sidewalks (in violation of the law) and streets, across property lines onto our yard (I said we like MOST of the neighbors) where our then-toddler not once, but twice, had handfuls of pesticide headed for his mouth! The second time was ant poison spread on a colony 5 feet into our yard! Trouble is, I don't think we can afford the neighborhoods in which Lawn Culture does not rule.

Reasons to delay moving: we have a lot to do to make this house market ready. It might take a year. Owen could finish elementary school where he is.

Alternative plan: build a porch, build an addition, and gut and remodel the kitchen. I would almost rather move than hire a general contractor for that! And get a building loan! and... and... and... And all that would cost more than the difference between cost of this house and one that more closely suits our wants.

Every day when I do the mental math, I get a different answer. Yesterday's answer was stay put. Today's is Hmm, move?


Wendy said...

In our personal experience we traded a convenient neighborhood (mostly loved stuff within walking distance) for more space for less money and...we miss it. We love what we have because we are here and love each other and our family and the new friends we have made, but boy do we miss being able to walk everywhere and the sense of community that brings.

Rachel said...

I sympathize with you about the pesticide problem. The only area in my yard I get full sun for a vegetable garden is contaminated every month by that chemlawn crap from the neighbors... I long to grow my own tomatoes, cukes, pumpkins...
