On to the fun stuff
For the past bunch of days it has been unseasonably warm here, but very cloudy and rainy. It was so dark yesterday that I had to use the flash for yesterday's pics which I took on my screen porch at noon! And I still had to work on them in Photoshop to brighten them up enough to use. Today, it is 30 degrees colder here, but the sun is shining. So, today's pictures required no flash but they still needed work in Photoshop to reduce the impact of the shadows. The sun is at such an angle, even at noon, that every little stitch in the knitting, of bit of fuzz in the polar fleece, casts a shadow.
So, what is this stuff? First, the world's fastest sewing FO: a neck gaiter for the Little Emperor. He seems quite sensitive to cold air on his face, especially in the morning on the way into school. I had a remnant of this Sponge Bob fleece, so I made a double layer tube neck gaiter for him.

Next, an item from Area 51.

This sweater has been languishing for about two years and there's a reason. After I finished the first sleeve and tried it on, I realized that the patterning on the sleeves will look very ill-proportioned. It looks fine laying flat, but on me, the heavy patterning comes down the arm too far and looks wrong when the arm is by my side. I need to take out that sleeve and redo with heavier patterning on the bottom half of the sleeve and narrower designs circing the top. When I realized that 2 years ago, I shoved it in a plastic bag and shelved it. The neckline will have a little placket with buttons, so that funny business you see there if you look closely is the steek. I think I have the energy to take this on again, so I'm moving it out of Area 51 and back into active WIP status. And I find it much more exciting a prospect than the three pairs of socks and slow-as-molasses pullover for Mr. SABLE.