Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another Old Picture...

I found this picture of me while digging around recently. It was taken in the White Mts in NH about 1991. My brother and his outing club buddies used to have this thing they would do on every mountain they climbed. They would stand near the edge (but not too near) and jump and the adult leader would take the picture in mid-air, creating the illusion that they were about to fly off of the mountain.

So, in 1991, Mr. SABLE and I were camping with my brother and his wife and we climbed a short trail with a good view. My brother and I didn't quite have the same lift we'd had as teenagers, but we had fun trying.


YarnThrower said...

What a great snapshot!! You can fly!

Helen said...

great fun!

Zonda said...

Awesome illusion picture there! :)

Leslie said...

Whoa, that looks scary! A very cool shot.

MiniLaura said...

It's Air Elizabeth!

great photo!