I've been working on the skinny scarf on #2 needles pretty much single-mindedly for the past couple of weeks. It doesn't look like I have a lot to show for that, but I'm about half-way done and I haven't given knitting a lot of time lately.
Last night, I suddenly had the urge to do something quick! And to try to knit up some of the "yarn" that I've made. This is from the yarn I was learning on, in April, made on my drop spindle. It was a challenge to even make a small hat from it because the earliest stuff was very thick, super-bulky, and the last bunch would have knit nicely on #6 or 7 needles. It was very clear where the whole spinning thing clicked for me. So, yes, this hat has many gauges going on, and yes, it's kind of funny-looking and a little too short in the crown, but I felt it was important for me to actually make something from yarn I spun. I'm hoping that a little blocking will at least take away the nipple on top. It may not be the most elegant hat I ever made, but I'll wear it with pride, because it's the first item for which I actually made the yarn, too.
Did you have that amazing wave of "knitterly pride" when you looked at the FO and thought "I spun the wool and knit it! Joy!"?
I'll be knitting my first small skein into Mrs. Beeton for my sister. Now I just need to spin some laceweight. Can't wait!
Spin on!
The fact that you actually could make something wearable from your first handspun is amazing!! You should see mine--HAHA. I did save it but only to laugh at it now and then, but still I was so proud of it. I had a terrible time learning to spin for some reason...The hat is really cute I think!!
No matter the flaws, you did a wonderful thing. It's a great feeling, knitting up one's own yarn. I know, I've just finished knitting socks, something I didn't think I could do with my handspun. I kept feeling my yarn had to be perfect and you know what, it's all over the map in terms of gauge, but it IS perfect because it came from my hands, as this hat did yours. Congratulations!
Mmmm - producing something from scratch - the earthy goodness and pride! Yay! I admit to a tad bit of fear in knitting something up that I've spun - you've inspired me.
I love to knit with my handspun. And, I can't wait to see more of your spinning! You think maybe you'll spin more in the winter when there is less gardening, and more inside time?
Thanks everyone!
Yes, I think I'll spin more in the fall and winter, but mostly because I hope to feel like I have the time when my kids are in school.
Your handspun hat seems similar to the very first object a person ever knits--even though it's not very pretty or well honed, its the fact that they made it from scratch.
Pretty dang cool, I say. It's usable,and that's an accomplishment to be proud of.
Miss ya, E.
I like the hat! Nipple and all! hehe! How cool to spin it and knit it :)
It's perfect - nipple and all! Your own handspun...so impressive.
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