Today I met my internet friend Marji. Her son is living about an hour south of Madison and she's visiting him this week before Stitches starts. She made the drive up here and we had lunch at Lakeside Fibers. I got to see all her works in progress, at least the ones she had with her. It was great fun to finally meet her face to face. The time felt way too short, but Mr. SABLE had come home for an extended lunch with his offspring and he was eager to get back to work. (Our children have that effect on us.) I'm hoping she'll be up this way again before too long. Once the school year starts, I'll have all kinds of freedom to meet up for lunch all over southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.
And what's so wrong with eastern Iowa??? It doesn't smell here. Well not much and not all the time. hehehe
And here I went and got myself a day job. *sigh*
northern illinois! because i do not have school no more, back-to-school is a good time for me. we shall plan a meet! either in the city, or not...LYS, or not...or...or...hmmm. how far to Madison? i am about 90 minutes to Milwaukee. i am up for meeting halfway. there is an LYS in Janesville I did not get to visit last time i was up there...
Iowa's fine. Iowa's just a short trip due west, and I've never been all the way to that corner of Wisconsin.
Helen, I will be planning a top-secret day trip to Chicago in the coming weeks. I'll keep you posted when I work out details. Can't blog about it, though.
And while I'm in Chicago, I also need to meet Mittenfarce.
I love it when knitty friends get to meet up! Marji was my Mystery book swap Pal and she's great. And so talented!
Makes me wish I was in Illinois or Wisconsin so I could get a sneaky lunch in with you at the fiber store!
How great to meet another online friend!
Eliz, it was so great to meet you yesterday. Thank you so much for your input, and for putting up with all the show-and-tell. I really value your opinions. And yes, the black alpaca silk will get frogged back and done right as soon as I get home.
Also, a big thank you to Mr SABLE who made it possible for you to take a couple of hours off in the middle of the day.
sorry, had to sign in as anon - blogger isn't recognizing me from this ISP
well yes Elizabeth, do let me know! we can try and meet up with Marcy as well, as long as she can get away from her kids, har har.
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