I haven't got much knitting done. But did manage to order some yarn online: just what I needed!
Colin seems to be on the mend, so maybe he can go to his morning preschool tomorrow. His appetite has returned and his energy level is a little more normal.
I hope to start on some fun new patterns soon. That is, if I can ever get a minute to myself.
Last night I made a pair of really wild pajama pants to replace a pair that was self-destructing. The great thing about pajamas is being able to wear colors and prints I might not choose to wear in public.

This was a real quick'n'dirty project. I had bought the fabric from a sale heap at Hancock Fabrics. It's a t-shirt knit with the big floral print. Sometimes they get flatfold bargains that I think are remaindered from the garment biz. The pajamas I took apart to use for a pattern had biased with several years of washing. Of course I didn't take the time to properly draft a new straight pattern, so these pajamas have built-in twist: the seams wrap around the legs. Oh well. Maybe this fabric will bias in the other direction and they'll straighten out with time. In any case, they are very comfortable and do not have big holes forming all over.
I'll leave you with a Halloween treat.

I love your PJ bottoms. I used to sew, but once I started knitting, I haven't sewn since. Guess I have ADD. But, what I really like is your BLOG. So sincere and down to earth.
Hope your and the kids colds get better. Have a great weekend.
Love the pajama pants! I've been dragging all my sewing equipment out again and reorganizing my sewing space. Seems like there are quite a few knitting sewers around. Or maybe they are sewing knitters?
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