I wish you could all see it full size on a big monitor. The thready bits around the stamens are very interesting.
On to knitting...

The Mead Scarf is measuring over 50 inches long. I still have a bunch more yarn. I'm hoping to make it to around 60 inches. I really want it to be a long scarf when it's blocked, ideally more than 6 feet.
I enlisted Mr. SABLE's help to hold it up in the sunlight and the Little Emperor wanted in on the action. He's about 52 inches tall these days.

And every knitting blog needs an occasional gratuitous pet picture. This is Ossie, our boy cat, who was out catching a few late afternoon rays on the bags of path-building supplies.

LOVE the scarf! Love the flower... and I admire the big and little guys, who both look very proud of the scarf. Lastly - Ossie looks very much like our Lilliane! Could be they're related (although all brown tabbies look alike - and some of them are my best friends).
Remember Worldwide Knit-in-Public Day Saturday! I'll be out of town but here knitting with you in spirit. {grin}
Did I miss the details? The Mead scarf is gorgeous!
Mead is looking good! I gasped when I heard how tall Little E was though. I'm only 62 inches tall.
Great photos!
I am so behind in my reading. Mead looks lovely and my God, what are you feeding that kid? TLE is getting to be quite the king sized!
Beautiful scarf! And thank you for gratuitous cat pictures, they make not having a kitty of my own just a little bit easier.
Wow! 50 inches, and still lots of yarn! Glad to hear you're getting a real project from it!
I love the Spiderwort. Beautiful.
Ossie is definitely my Lucy's long lost brother, they're so similar.
Your boys have such sweet faces, the 'measuring stick' photo is priceless. I love the flower, such moisture! I don't remember the last time it rained here.
The scarf, wonderful.
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