I took this photo last summer when I was playing with the macro feature on my camera. I call it Georgia O'Keefe Moment.
In other news, I'm most of the way through a hat to go with the Alishar sweater. I think it's coming out really well. I've got a cold and I'm feeling kind of low. I actually spent a large part of the afternoon dozing in bed, waking a bit here and there to feel guilty, but going back to sleep anyway. I'm happy I've been able to get a little knitting in this evening: I was feeling like such a cotton-head all day I didn't know if I would. I'll have to find a model with a normal size head when it's done. When I make hats in my size, they are huge for everyone else. Kind of affects my baseline perception of normal.
Owen's City Spelling Bee was today. He did make it through one round before getting knocked out. There were kids up through middle school (8th grade) age, so it was some tough competition. Nearly all the kids looked terribly nervous. I noticed that as the girls got into the teens, they seemed more insecure, whereas the boys got more indifferent. Owen's mood has been all over the map today: he woke up at 5 something, too worked up to go back to sleep. When I got up, he was watching Star Wars. After the spelling bee, he was grumpy, touchy, tired, and demanding. So, it was a bad day for mom to be having a sick day. Tomorrow is his birthday party, so we have more anxiety and anticipation about that. Yikes. Then the actual birthday on Tuesday.
Owen would like me to post a link to his first Flash movie. He's really determined to learn all he can about computer generated animation. It's one of the few things he persues for hours on end and sticks with in spite of frustrations and set backs. Most things at school are easy for him, so he hasn't had to learn how to work through frustration with that. I'm glad there's one area of his life where he goes for the challenge.
Very cool photograph - it makes me think of snow, and softness. I hope you are on the up and up...sounds like a tough weekend for you to be sick. High fives to Owen for getting as far as he did! Sweet first flick!!! Very impressive.
Wow, I love that! Great job on it!
That is breathtaking!!
Gorgeous photo!
Glad that Owen survived the spelling bee. Very nervewracking.
Stunning. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for all the compliments. I really love that picture, too.
What a great shot!
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