I decided on a narrow front band that folds to a facing which stabilizes the front bands. I have a few ideas for closures, maybe button loops along the edge and pearly buttons. We'll see.
I'm not very happy with this collar, but not sure I want to take it out and redo. I saw it on a person last night, and I think the collar is better on than lying flat on the ground. I think this collar is a bit too frilly for my personal aesthetic, but, oh well. Interestingly, I think the other side of the collar, the part that won't show in normal wear, is much better. It still has a lacy quality, but it's less busy.
Here's a detail of the fronts at the lower edge:

The Kauni Cardigan

This is coming along. I'd like to get it finished soon. One more sleeve and a lot of finishing details. Last night after I bound off the top of the sleeve, I spent about 20 minutes winding yarn off my cones to get the colors to line up when I cast on for the second sleeve. It would be nice if both sleeves start and stop at similar places in the color scheme.
I love your Kauni! It hums!! I kinda like the collar on the Kate Cardigan--I swear I'm getting more girly in my old age. Sigh.
Both cardigans are beautiful!
they're both to die for!
I'm amazed at your ability for the color work. Really nicely done.
I think I love the Kate cardigan! I can't wait to see it finished.
The Kauni cardi is pretty amazing, I love the way the color moves.
Your Kate cardigan is working out beautifully!
I admire your braveness in trying to get the kauni colors to fall properly on the second sleeve. I can't see myself accomplishing that without at least some crying involved...
Kate is really beautiful, and the Kauni looks fabulous!
Kate is gorgeous! I like the coller, too. I'm not sure I could carry off wearing it either (though would like to try), but I can think of people it would suit smashingly.
OT, I'm afraid I'm going to miss Last Saturday this month, will be out of town for Thanksgiving.
I like the femmy collar, but I also liked it collarless--more for the sophisticate. Definitely have to have the color repeats match on the Kauni cardi. I just love the borders. You are a good knitter and blogger.
I really like that Kate cardigan... the facings and the collar and great! I love the idea of button loops and pearly buttons.
Both are gorgeous! The Kauni cardigan looks like some kind of fabulous optical illusion. Nice!
As always, your sweaters are stunning! You do such wonderful work.
I like Kate a lot - you the lace patterns you chose for the fronts and bottom/cuff details go really well together. I think personally, I'd prefer a simpler collar too, but it's a really attractive sweater. (I really like the yarn.) Your Kauni is lovely.
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