So I don't know where my blogging mojo's been lately. I've been full of resolve, but very few posts to show for it.
Well, you know, it's cold.
Of course, you think,
Wisconsin in January is supposed to be cold. But, even by our standards, it's cold. Tomorrow might possibly be so cold that we have a school cancellation. They do that for Wind Chill Warnings. Unfortunately, I can't find the definitive standard for Wind Chill Warnings here, but ours is apt to be about 20-30 degrees below 0, Fahrenheit, in the a.m. So, I might get an added day of togetherness with my offspring.
I could rant about all the various holidays and in-service days and half-days and such that the kids are not at school. There are a lot of them. Then, you throw in the various sick days and a couple of malingering days, and it starts to seem like way too much togetherness. How about weekends with a high of 1 degree F? And that ain't wind chill.
What else? My husband acquired a big (by my primitive standards) flat television, an XBox 360, and the game Rock Band over the course of the last 6 weeks or so. And, for the record, not one of these is an item I would have considered bringing home. However, much to my surprise, I seem to have a secret, previously repressed inner desire to be the lead singer in a rock band. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent channeling Shirley Manson, Mick Jagger, or Michael Stipe. In my fantasy world, I'm on tour with my band, wearing leather and torn fishnet stockings, belting out bad-ass lyrics with bravado.
Has there been knitting? Well, some. I'm
this close to finishing Mr. SABLE's
Adirondack Pullover. I hoped to have it done already, but lost a bit of time to refereeing the kid-fights on Monday (What? That wasn't what MLK was all about?) and then, the Little Emperor missed school yesterday because he threw up Monday night. I don't think he was really sick, but I felt obligated to do the 24 hours observation thing. I know a lot of parents aren't vigilant about keeping sick kids home but I feel it's the moral thing to do. What was I saying? Oh, yeah. So, I'm down to the last couple of inches of the second sleeve. A few ends, a quick wash and it'll be done.
But the pictures...
Did I mention the cold? Not sure when we'll get to pictures. If there's a nice sunbeam streaming in a window in the next few days, maybe I can get a picture of it lying flat.
There's also been some spinning. And it's not really the photogenic type of spinning. More of the Brown Sheep mill ends three ply I started back in August. I'm hoping to get to some slightly more exciting spinning soon.
You folks who live in warm places, wish us all well for tomorrow. We'll just be chillin', that's for certain.