To that end, here's where I stand on choosing a name for the new Fair Isle cardigan.
The colors in it remind me of the play of light on leaves in late autumn, with a steely grey-blue sky. So many of the names that could go with that have been done to death; Autumn Leaves kind of stuff.
So, here's a list of ideas I have so far. I'm happy to hear other suggestions, too.
Prairie Road
Fond du Lac (the Wisconsin place names theme)
Merrimac County (where I grew up in NH)
Cedar Grove (back with the Wisconsin place names)
Sugar Maple (there's a color way in Cherry Tree Hill yarns with this name, but I didn't stumble on any knitting patterns with the same name in a brief search.)
Maple and Birches
The place names theme seems promising, though I think one has to be careful. How would the Beloit Cardigan differ from the Door County Cardigan? :)
If you have any great ideas, let me know. It's going to be a complicated one to write for multiple sizes, so we've still got a while. I've started playing with the numbers and I think I'll have to offer it in only 4 widely-spaced sizes. This is due to the 28 st. repeat in the largest motif. I'll probably include brief directions for fine-tuning size with small changes in gauge.
BTW, for those of you who wonder what the sleeve looks like before I cut the steek on the cap and sew it in, that's it on the right.
I might be wrong...but I seem to remember a Fond du Lac something or other out there.
I like Maple and Sky!
I'm notoriously bad at naming things, but I'm going to try anyway :-)
Up North
Also, there's a Merrimac (sp?) in Wisconsin, too, but not sure if it's spelled the same way. I like the sound of that one, and it would have a dual meaning....
Anyway, your sweater is very nice, and I've never seen a set in sleeve on a fair isle before! Nice!
Elizabeth, I'm not so good at naming things either - but that looks to me like Autumn-to-Winter. The blue rows look to me like those wondrous afternoons where there's just enough sun and just big enough snowflakes that they look like sparkling stars falling; the ruddy color looks like those russet leaves that have silvery lace around the edges on those first frosty mornings. That sort of knitting looks to me like some sort of truly magical knitting. Truly.
I like Maples and Birches, personally. Maybe Dancing November? ;)
I don't have any nifty ideas...but I will say that when designers name projects based upon color, it can be confusing. Green Gable comes to mind, and I'm sure there are others. Just a thought!
I like Fond du lac. It's a great pattern!
My first instinct was to affirm Maples and Birches - the warms and the cools.
If you go place names, is there a favorite watery spot or perhaps one with a lot of birch?
Ashland? It's north anyway.
Is it Lake Superior?
More questions than answers, that's me.
There are a lot of birch trees where I live, but you wouldn't want to name your sweater after a place in Southern California.
I like Sugar Maple, but then when I said it again in my head it came out: Maple Sugar. Hmmmm.
Lovely sleeve! I can't wait to see it put together.
I don't really like anything with the "-du lac" suffix but only because there was a cutesy cute neighborhood in MI where all the streets were named this and that du Lac.
Autumn Shimmer?
I know exactly what you're trying to describe, but I'm having a hard time labeling it!
I like Merrimac since it stands for Wisconsin and sounds like a "Fair Isle" place name too. First place name I thought of was Egg Harbor-don't ask me why!
I totally get the sky/cold part of the scheme. Taking your description and some of the other comments in mind:
November warmth
Russet sky (skye?) ____ November weather ____ Early snow ____ First snow ____ Early winter ____ Sweater #55 ____ Leaves in Mist ____ Kathy Schultz sweater ____ Cocoa and snow____ Winter's coming----Season change---Loose change----
Sorry, I've been rendered speechless by the colors.
How about "Shorewood Sunset"?
...and the difference between a Beloit Cardigan and a Door County Cardigan? About $500.00.
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