On the 25th we drove north, toward Hartman Creek State Park, located just west of Waupaca. Just north of DeForest, we ran into a pretty big thunderstorm and had to pull over on the Interstate. It hailed for a good long time as we sat in a line of parked cars on the shoulder of the highway.

The park itself was very nice. It had all been logged over for farm land in the 19th century. Large tracts in that part of central Wisconsin have been replanted with pines in evenly spaced rows, which makes for a surreal experience for those of us who expect woodland to be a bit more random.

There are two small lakes, connected by a marshy area, which were created as a fish hatchery in the early 20th century. The swimming lake has a nice sandy bottom and no visible algae. The water was a pleasant temperature: not too cold, not too soupy. Our first evening there, we went over to have a quick look at the lake and the boys both wanted to swim. We didn't have the bathing suits with us (they were back at the site) so Owen wore his shorts and The Little Emperor wore his undies. Since the beach was deserted, we figured no one would mind.

When we first arrived on the beach, The Little Emperor had chased away a skein of geese (look it up; they're only a gaggle in flight). While the guys were swimming, the geese ventured back onto the beach. The Little Emperor wasn't having any of that. Here he is, on goose patrol, in his soaking wet tighty-whities.

Wednesday afternoon brought a big long thunderstorm. I got some knitting done, sitting in the van while the guys fought in the camper. Eventually we decided to go to Stevens Point. I was curious about Herschnerr's, the capital of kitch. I found some good deals in the clearance rack. We also hit a Salvation Army store and picked up a few Kinex kits for Owen, a stuffed raccoon for the Little Emperor and some other miscellaneous amusements. Back at the campsite, the rain had moved out and it was a nice evening.
Here are some nature pics from around the park, some by Scott. He had possession of the camera more than I did on this trip.

Lichen by Scott

Monarch by Scott

Dragonfly by Scott

More tomorrow.