I'm most of the way done with this Grandpa Sweater for my dad. I'm machine knitting it on my LK-150. Jo Sharp DK Classic in color Muscat, which is a very dark purple-ish. I picked up stitches around the armscye to work down to the cuff with short row shaping. Unfortunately, I think I did too many short rows and it creates a bit of a puff sleeve, which isn't a good look for a 74 year old man. Hmm. His birthday is today. I kind of wanted to have this done to send along with Owen when he flies out there tomorrow, but if I redo it, I'll need at least three more days. Well, crap.
A Sock

I frogged the sock I started from this yarn and am doing this one instead. I had been doing another pair of my Making Waves socks and it was turning out pretty well. But I screwed up a bit at knitting group and when I tried to undo a few rows, the twisted stitches refused to cooperate. That was at the February Last Saturday Knitting. This new sock is just a simple twisted stitch rib. I'm pleased so far.
In Other News
The SABLE clan is preparing to move to a bigger house in Madison. There's a lot to do and will be a fair amount of waiting and stressing before it all comes together. If posts get even thinner on the ground than they have been, that's why!
Very nice color on the Dad sweater. The socks are coming along nicely too, I still need to figure out what to do with some yarn that failed to turn into 3 different patterns. Sometimes, yarn is stubborn like that.
I think you are getting an amazing amount of knitting done considering that you are moving! Welcome to the big city!
I like the yarn better in this sock pattern.
I love the sweater.
Sending you good packing vibes. I started out typing packing and purging vibes, but that just sounds wrong and unhealthy.
Healthy packing and prep.
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