I've been formatting until I'm cross-eyed! Yowza. But I'm excited about the upcoming Issue #4 of Knitcircus. Jaala and I hope to email it to the lovely and talented Beth tomorrow afternoon/evening for a fine-tooth-comb editing. She's really good at that! She knows when we have a sneaky extra space to delete, finds all those hyphens that should be em-dashes, knows when to bold , when to italicize, and remembers all the formatting things that we set up on p.3 that are being done differently on p 38. After Beth sends back all the big and little things she finds, then we do a final check for any formatting problems that the printer won't like. Then, make the huge mega-file pdf (bigger than my first hard disc!) and off it goes to Texas. Then we wait seven business days for turnaround and about 4 more business days for shipping, and boxes will appear.
In Other News
We have been in the throes of a full-fledged machine conspiracy Chez SABLE. The focus of this one is cars and computers. Must be C is the letter of the week, eh? Both our vehicles have required very expensive repairs and maintenance of the mandatory kind. You know, the "Don't drive until you fix this" kind of stuff. The computer issues have been more annoying than expensive. Owen's laptop has gone in twice for a backlight issue (under Apple Care warranty) and my mouse needed replacing. Mr. SABLE found his PC had over 365 viruses!!! He thinks he got them all, but they were seriously messing with things over there.
The kids are settling into their school routines, which is a blessing. So far, so good.
I haven't knit at all in a week or so. I've just been plugging away at the 'zine. I'm eager to get back into it.
I think it's the time of year where mechanical things start to die. We had the computer first, then the oven, and the TV picture is crap.
Can't wait to see the mag!
I can't wait to see it either! And I haven't forgotten about jobs/chasing/dragons/why and how come, either - just not enough time yet to write a decent email.
Can't wait to see the new issue. I've been knitting for a while now and I think it's time to break out the spinning wheel soon. I got the urge when the weather was cooler but waited too long I guess 'cause not it's hot and damp again! Bah!
The machines are coming! Grab your yarn and run!
OMG! What did you did you do at the mechanic's if you weren't knitting? That's worse than jury duty.
Kathy, I never actually stay at the mechanic's. We drop and leave. And I have to say, the Ford dealership here was a pleasure to deal with on the expensive repair to that van, giving us a nice 2008 Focus as a "no cost rental" for a week while we waited for a torque converter to come in and be installed.
Ow, I feel your car pain! DD, who must use her car for work landed in the same situation this past week. In her case, the car isn't worth what it will cost to repair, but she couldn't get a reliable replacement for the cost of repair, either. No fun. You have my commiseration.
On a different note, am eagerly awaiting the new issue!
Egads, Elizabeth, I don't think I've heard the expression "torque converter" since my dad died in 1977. He mostly loved Fords, Mercuries, & Lincolns. Have they got torque conversion issues to this day?
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