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This is moving along very quickly. Amazing how fast sweaters go in smaller sizes. I took out a section of the beige yarn to get to the pink part while the darkest part of the browns was coming along. I think the dark brown and rosy pink looks like a chocolate bon bon with a raspberry cream center. Now, I'm just hoping the pink finishes up before I get back to the caramel section of the browns. I'm prepared to delete a section of the pink if I have to to make it work.
Social Knitting
I've had a great week for socializing with knitters. My friends Kathy and Sue came over from the Milwaukee area on Thursday. I took them around to some of my favorite Madison sites: The Sow's Ear, The Digger's Outlet, Cargo Coffee, Lakeside Fibers, Willy Street St. Vincent's shop. And I off-loaded a bunch of stash to Kathy who has a knitting club for kids at her school in Milwaukee. (Although I still occasionally cave in to the urge to buy yarn, I feel like my out-flow has been exceeding my in-flow lately and this is good.) We had a wonderful time! I even let them see my lair.
Today was Last Saturday Knitting. Although a couple of regulars couldn't make it (we missed you Molly Bee and Dale!) we did manage to attract the attention of a woman who saw us knitting and is in great need of a knitting group. All in all, a good time was had by everyone.
Mr. SABLE is going to San Diego for work tomorrow, so I'll have a few days of the single mom thing to work out. The biggest sticking point comes in the morning, trying to get both kids to their schools at the appropriate time. We got through this one other time, so I know we can make it work again. It's just the idea of morning complications that I don't like.