Two front views:

and a back view:

I think it looks pretty good. I had to introduce the cardigan to my good friends June Tailor (she's such a ham!) and Mr. Steam. After a nice blast of Mr. Steam while June supported the shoulder area, it looks very professional, if I do say so myself.
I cast on for the next sleeve yesterday. Then bands and a collar. Maybe I'll be done by Halloween.
That's a fabulous seaming job! It looks great. (And thank you for not saying that you "casted-on" I swear if I see that phrase one more time today I'm gonna scream!)
Your sleeve insertion looks amazing! Awesome, and very brave of you to tackle a set-in sleeve in a fair isle sweater!! The stripes are perfect!
A perfect fit. It's too nice to wear for Halloween! The kids could get something sticky (mmm...Bit-O-Honey) on it. Go flannel, but maybe hide it beneath.
Oooo! It matches so well! Very nice!
Now see - THAT is knitting. Honestly, it's the single most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I bow respectfully in your general direction. I'm really EXCITED! (I don't even aspire to such knitting, but cannot TELL you how exciting I find it -- thank you for sharing that!) Can't wait to see it ON you, the whole thing -- and tell you what, I'll buy! :o)
OMG! It's awesome! Great colors, great workmwomanship. I don't even think it NEEDS another sleeve! :-)
The sleeve looks great. In the fantasy world of my head, I'm knitting this sweater and will be able to wear it on Halloween. There will be a pattern, yes?
I've decided that I would love to spend an afternoon just watching you knit. Oh, the things I would learn...
Impeccable colorwork, as always! You are an amazing knitter.
Cool trick, that.
That's funny, I have a friend named June Tailor too! Also, I know a Mrs. Steam, I wonder if they are related? ;)
Beautiful job on the sleeve insertion. The fair isle just astounds me.
Poops, that can be arranged.
Priceless! I followed your work and now I know how long it takes to think, plan, choose yarn and make test swatch and then knit knit knit without feeling stranded!
This is a masterpiece!
You've gone and made me want to do colourwork now, and I don't have the knitting time for that at the moment (but I've got my own little hat kit put together, shhhh).
It's lovely!
I want to come up there and just sit and watch your brain work.
That is looking just fantastic.
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