Saturday, January 24, 2009

Itty Bitty Handwarmers and other news

Ah, let's see.

We are in the throes of Too Much Winter already, and it's only late January. I don't mind winter for myself, but I sure hate the effect it has on my family life. We just wrapped up two ridiculously short school weeks in a row, most of it for no real good reason. Everyone hangs around indoors picking fights and sniping. My coping strategy is just to tune it all out, which seems to really annoy my Better Half. I think because he doesn't tune it out, and he feels like he has to make everyone happy. I already know that that is an impossible task and a thankless project, so I don't bother. They won't be happy because that's the human condition.

Well, I did briefly make my kids happy. They were coveting my handwarmers.

Here's one of a pair for the little guy. He loves them.

See how pilly and ratty they are getting already?

I also made Owen a pair of plain black ones from the same black yarn. He's being very teenly today and doesn't want to model.

While I was on a roll with sewing week before last, I also made myself some new pajama pants. I don't have any pictures of them, but they were a great success. The fabric was a piece I found at a thrift shop a while ago, kind of brushed, flannelized knit, with a subtle paisley design. And it only cost $1.

The next issue of Knitcircus ships from the printer Monday. It usually takes 3-4 business days to get here, then we'll get them posted to the subscribers A.S.A.P.

That's the news as we wait until spring and the mental and emotional space that warmer weather will bring.


Anonymous said...

Everybody here is antsy because of winter as well. There's not enough snow on the ground to make for sledding or playing so its just dry, dreary and cold, cold, cold!

Great junior sized mitts!

Here's to waiting for spring!

Batty said...

Those are cute! Pilly and used-looking is good, it means they are really appreciated.

Bezzie said...

You should teach lessons in tuning out--you could make a fortune!!!

Those are cute handwarmers--cute but manly!

Leslie said...

Maybe this week everyone will be back in school and things will be more peaceful! We haven't had any snow days yet but just extreme temperature swings...single digits, then into the 50s, then back down again! It's so strange. Those little handwarmers are cute and I bet you'll be making more soon!

dale-harriet said...

You know, when *I* was a girl (and I'll wait around while everyone thinks fondly of the mammoths and mastodons) we went to school. Walking. If it was -25 degrees or more (and we lived further than 6 blocks away) we could bring a bag lunch rather than walking home for lunch. But not go to school because it was cold? Doesn't it make you wonder? I think the tuning-out is a byproduct of knitting, and you are a MASTER knitter! :o) I had two boys too, and know whereof you speak - and my agony in those times was not lessened by being shared by my Lovely Daughter. We exchanged many and many a "look" over their crabbing heads........

Molly Bee said...

I am counting down the days until Feb 1. There is no reason for January to exist on my planet. Can't think of one good thing about it. Usually Feb 1st finds me deliously happy for no particular reason. It's still dark, cold, snowy and all of's just no longer JANUARY!
Love the LE wrist warmers!

YarnThrower said...

Ahem, yes. The short school weeks... I had ten days of clinical, and a full 20% of those days, my kids had off due to weather. (Fortunately, I have a wonderful friend nearby, so we swapped some babysitting...but I couldn't believe it!) And, my kids have off tomorrow, too, for whatever reason I don't even know!! And last Monday....etc.... They are getting along remarkably well for as cooped up as we've been, but DH is taking them out for some exercise tonight after an early dinner. Ahhhhh....

florencemary said...

Love those mitts! Perhaps you could extend the knitting a bit, add a bit of padding, and make some boxing gloves for the warring offspring? (only kidding...)

It seems aeons ago that I had to experience the same situation; it was always impossible to sort out the spats, so I used to do the zoning-out thing too. My g-daughters fight all the time though!