Saturday, September 17, 2005

Not my knitty submission

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From Knit King magazine, c. 1972

I debated long and hard about posting these next two images. Maybe I'll just not add captions, and people can imagine what I would have these models saying...
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What do you think these people are saying?


Marji said...

"this is believable?" Everyone stands around in 2 ft of water in a skirt and sweater - esp if they've just survived an earthquake and levee break!
I gotta say though, I have a very 50's sensibility. My fav patterns, both sewing and knitting, are vintage 50's stuff. How much of these old leaflets do you have around?

D said... do ya think Coke sponsored them or what?

It is bad that I think he is a cutie? :D

Elizabeth said...

which one: the flood guy, or Bolero Boy?

Donna said...

Middle picture: this guy is thinking "I hope I can get her out of her pants, because they'd certainly go nicely with my green sweater."

Sarah said...

First of the two:

Him: Tell me again how much they are paying me to pose for this idiotic photo?

Her: Not nearly enough.

Second of the two:

Him: Is that the Messiah walking on water I see?

Her: No, it's Bob wading across for cocktails, dumbass.

Vicki Knitorious said...

I love the tablecloth and the fact that he rolled up his pants. What are they saying? They need more rum to mix with all that Coke!