I went to my annual Alt Knitting Camp with my regulars at Devils Lake State Park. While there, I started knitting a basic top-down raglan for myself so that I'd have something relatively mindless to work on. It's dark brown, from Jo Sharp Classic DK. It's the kind of sweater that doesn't look all that great on the needles, but I will probably wear all winter long.
We had visits from my parents in May, Scott's brother in July, and my sister and niece in August. Here is the younger son with his cousin:

I spun a bunch of 3 ply yarn. I'm not exactly sure what it will be good for, but it was fun spinning.

I sewed a one strap back pack and then I sewed a two-strap backpack. The pictures of the two-strap one, which I sent off in a swap, seem to have been deleted from the camera card without being saved to the computer. D'oh!
I took my younger son to the city pool a couple of times and to Devils Lake several times.

I spent most of July hiding out indoors, in the air conditioning. I spent too much time on Facebook.
I took my kids to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago to see the Jellies.

Then we went to Millennium Park to see the Bean.

I don't know of any other sculpture that seems to invite so much public interaction.
On the way back to the car, I saw a Maserati parked near the school of the Art Institute.

I guess art students have more money now than they did in the old days.
I finished a sweater for publication and it'll be appearing this fall. Had to do pictures twice. Also knit something smaller for an upcoming book, but I'm not sure when that will be public.
I've been thinking about sewing, about weaving, about spinning, and not as much about what to knit next. But now school has started and I can finally get my brain focused on my stuff, I hope that will change. There's a creative zone I seem to be most able to tap into when I know I won't be intruded on for at least 4 hours. I wonder what will happen next?
I can totally see your reflection in the bean.
:) WAAAAYYY in the back!
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