A brief recap of things around here:
The little guy got sick and missed a nearly a whole week of school. Then he got better and I got sick.
No one is doing much toward our goal of moving in mid-June: I guess the panic hasn't hit yet.
Actually, I'm doing stuff, but most of it is stuff like emailing the lawyer or the mortgage guy.
And I'm placing Craigslist ads for a few things, like fancy wooden trains and old bikes.
I've been knitting some. One thing I'm working on is a pair of solid dark green 2x2 ribbed socks. And I'm making another entrelac scarf out of some bulky yarn I bought from a destashing sale. I honestly tried to come up with other things that yarn could be, but it really just wanted to be entrelac. And I realized I really really need to get my butt in gear on a sweater for the autumn Knitcircus. I got yarn support for this last year. I have a good start on it, but it's been sitting for a while. Fortunately, I was able to find my notes and pick up where I left off.
The kids are sailing into the end of the school year, with all that that entails. Field trips and recorder concerts and such for the little guy; preparing for finals and completing big end-of-year assignments for the big guy. And lots of bickering.
The weather turned very hot kind of suddenly, after a mostly cold, wet spring. Wisconsin isn't a state of moderation, I guess.
Tomorrow I'll try to get some pictures together. There are lots of things blooming and sprouting in the garden.