I recently finished this hat! It was loosely inspired by one in the book Hip Knit Hats, but with my own numbers and variations. I like the way it can be worn in a variety of different ways, with differing degrees of jauntiness!
The lighter yarn is some of the handspun that the wonderful Lady Bean of House of Wool Repute sent me a while ago. This only used a small amount of it, but I have enough to make something else with what's left. The darker green was an odd ball of something I took to be Manos that I got in a big grab bag from the thrift shop several years ago. The Manos is heftier than the handspun, but it doesn't really matter for this use.
For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, I'm kind of a hat fiend. I feel that fun hats are one of the places a woman of size can really go to town without worrying too much about accentuating the wrong place. I mean, really, who can go wrong accentuating her head?
As for the 'zine, Knitcircus, we press the big SEND button tomorrow and off it goes to the printer. I'll be hitting up my faithful readers for a bit of a favor. Well, a favor with a sweetener for you. To receive your free copy of Knitcircus #3, all you need to do is agree to drop off one issue at your LYS, along with a cover letter explaining a bit about us. (No sales pitch: just drop and leave.) Of course, we're hoping that yarn shops will agree to carry us, but they have to know about us first! If you're interested, send me an email (in my blogger profile) and include your mailing address. As soon as we get the issues in our sweaty little hands, you'll get a copy, plus one for your LYS. It's that simple.